Book Spotlight: The Darkest Loop by James Fant

So, I have been doing as much reading as I can during the month of August and now the reviews will be published in September. Here’s the first one of the month. The Darkest Loop by James Fant. Check it out, support the author, and, as always, thank you for your continuous support of my blog and literary efforts.

If you’ve kept up with either of my blogs, then you’ll already be familiar with James Fant. I wrote a review of his book CoEd several months ago, which you can read here. In turn, he reviewed my novella Reflection in the Music. He recently approached me again about his newest publication, which is appropriately set to be released today, called The Darkest Loop. Here’s the synopsis:

Dallas Anderson is stuck in a time loop that repeats Labor Day 2001 to September 11, 2001. He thinks he must prevent the terrorist attacks to break the loop. But each loop challenges that theory, igniting a fiery romance between him and his best friend’s sister and exposing the dark truth behind Déjà vu.

I can’t think of anything that I disliked about this novel. Although the theme of deja vu is nothing new—I wrote a short story playing around with the idea about a year ago—and plenty of movies and books exist that tackle the subject, I really appreciate the direction that Mr. Fant went with this one.

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Source: Book Spotlight: The Darkest Loop by James Fant