New Year’s Tarot/Oracle Reading

I’m deviating a bit from my normal content here to share my most recent post from my tarot blog. It fits the daily prompt for today about facing challenges. If you’re into the tarot or anything like it, keep reading. I’m looking forward to posting as often as I used to and really writing again. More poetry, book reviews, and random brain dumps to come!

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On being a writer…

I was scrolling through some of the blogs I follow and this post stood out to me. There’s so much truth to this it’s almost overwhelming. As I write and have written over the past year I have learned so much about myself. So many things I’ve done or didn’t do, mistakes and choices I made make so much more sense now that I’ve actively been responding to the calls that come from within instructing me to write something–anything at all.


“An artist is always alone – if he is an artist.” – Henry Miller Writing is a lonely job, no doubt about it. And no matter how successful you might become, you’re still alone. It’s the inexorable truth of the writer’s condition: you sit at your desk, in an empty room or in the most […]

via A lonely job… — Cristian Mihai

Book Review: Death in the City

When I’m not working or writing, I’m reading and writing about reading. Here’s my latest book review: Death in the City.

LeTara Writes Book Reviews

What can I say about Death in the City other than Whew! This book played with my emotions and took me to places that I typically read about and pray that I never experience in real life. Death in the City most certainly lives up to its title and cover. This is the third book I’ve read by Keith Kareem Williams and he has earned both my respect and my readership, making his way up my list of favorite authors.

The synopsis reads: A mother loses her son and completely loses her faith in the God she had served faithfully for her entire life. Trapped lovers try desperately to escape a lifestyle that, for a time, had comforted and kept them alive in a city that has always been trying to devour them. A reluctant assassin crosses paths with a woman who is determined to collect a pound of flesh…

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Book Review: CoEd by James Fant

My latest book review: CoEd by James Fant. Check him out!

LeTara Writes Book Reviews

Is there really a such thing as a platonic relationship between men and women or is that another one of those abstract concepts? That’s a question that many people attempt to answer on a daily basis and it is one of the many questions author James Fant attempts to answer in his novel CoEd.

The synopsis reads: Can a man and a woman be best friends without somebody catching feelings?

Travis Barber and Sade Styles are best friends of the opposite sex. Despite what everyone thinks, they are not getting busy…yet.

Co-owners of a popular barbershop/salon in named CoEd, Travis and Sade spend the bulk of their days together. But when Sade’s apartment lease runs out and Travis offers her the spare bedroom of his newly built house, will they end up sharing more than just the utilities?

This witty, fast-paced romance seeks to answer the question: can a man…

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Introspection & Loss

I thought that this post was very well-written and definitely needs to be shared. Mental health is extremely important and we must begin the conversation somewhere. Great post, Chris Nicholas!

The Renegade Press

I recently celebrated my fourth anniversary of blogging here at The Renegade Press. As with the three anniversaries prior to this one, the moment was a bitter-sweet affair of pride and introspection. Blogging has become a passion, and a source of endless pleasure that I approach with great reverence as I attempt to pour my heart and soul into everything that I create. But it hasn’t always been this way. This website was born out of a need to find myself, and to overcome my own internal torment. Four years ago I was emotionally shattered, creatively stunted, and questioning the validity of my own existence as I battled my own private demons. I was lost inside my head,desperately searching for a purpose amongst an endless torrent of fractured, self-depreciating thoughts.

Thankfully I found that purpose; and I found myself through my writing. With each new post that I create I…

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