Tide: A Short Short Story

I forgot what it means to feel intimidated by the rising of what could swallow me whole. The view of it from a distance is so beautiful. I can’t swim. Yet here I am in front of it, waiting for it to take me in. I can’t swim, so there’s no better time to not drown than now.


© LeTara Moore, All Rights Reserved

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Today I share with you four short stories, each in five sentences. Enjoy.


He didn’t have to lie. She didn’t ask. He lied anyway. Now he would have to face her wrath, however it may manifest. Too bad.


Did he think it was funny to stand her up? Surely, it couldn’t have been a joke. She didn’t find it funny. Still, she’d continue to set up dates with him just to see if he’d show up. Eventually, she got tired and told her own joke.


How could she make him like her again? She’d made a fool of herself on more than one occasion trying to appease him. She couldn’t handle his rejection. So, she’d work her magic. And he would feel it.


There was a hole there now. She had opened it, but rejection and disappointment closed it. Betrayal ripped a hole in it. Who knew whether it was a good or bad thing to be open unintentionally. Both the heart and the ego had been torn.


© LeTara Moore, All Rights Reserved



Sherri’s Passport

2017-04-01_13.41.12.jpgIf you have read my book Reflection in the Music, then you’ll already be familiar with the character of Sherri in this five sentence fiction. At some point in the future I’m going to fully tell her story. Her book is in the making, but for now I have to finish Sunlight, Coffee and Roses.

Sherri’s Passport

Sherri wanted to go as far as she possibly could to get away from everything and everyone. Not that she had that many people to get away from. The one person she was dying to get close to, she couldn’t forgive.

“Fuck this and fuck her,” Sherri sighed as she zipped her last suitcase and prepared to load her car.

As accomplished as she was she had yet to travel as much as she desired, but today, if she did nothing else, she would earn her passport.


© 2017, LeTara Moore

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Bet on the Heart

She decided that she would wait a few days before picking up the phone again. He had already told her things that most would expect a woman to want to hear from a man. Did he really meant what he had said or was he just after “that thing”? For the third day in a row, her phone rang. She had won his words, but what about his everything else?


© 2017, LeTara Moore, All Rights Reserved


Her Sacred Hideout

Her time was coming to a close once again. She placed her pen on the desk and closed her notebook. For a few precious moments and in a notebook page’s worth of carefully chosen words she released all of the cares of the previous weeks. The weight had been temporarily lifted until it was time for another ink fix. No matter how many times other humans expressed their love for her, nothing could top her sacred hideout in her notebook.


© LeTara Moore, 2017


Two Jobs

Opening her tired, heavy eyes, she took in the view of the ceiling. He told her that he loved her without any prompting. Did he really mean it? Maybe. All she knew was that her brain was in overdrive trying to figure out a more ideal scenario and her heart was unwilling to to be vulnerable to foolishness once more.

He asked to join her at her favorite hangout spot. The place was her home away from home. She knew his name, his passwords, date of birth and other vital information, all of it given freely. Perhaps extending an invitation wasn’t the worst thing she could do. She’d opened up more sensitive places already.

She glanced at the time. How much of it did she have to waste? She almost wished he would lie to her because as much as she desired the truth, it would be so much easier to drop him if he were a liar. Life was so much simpler when all she had to worry about was being tired from working all of the time. Now, her psyche was being put to work.


© LeTara Moore, 2017
