Bet on the Heart

She decided that she would wait a few days before picking up the phone again. He had already told her things that most would expect a woman to want to hear from a man. Did he really meant what he had said or was he just after “that thing”? For the third day in a row, her phone rang. She had won his words, but what about his everything else?


© 2017, LeTara Moore, All Rights Reserved


Brighter Than…

In keeping it short, sweet and fairly creative today I’d like to share a few six word stories I created, which tell their own stories individually and collectively:

Because of you I shine brightly.

I wish you had smiled more.

I wish you could smile again.

I know I made you smile.

Limited viewings, lasting impressions, everlasting imprints.

Glimpses of you, I’ll remember forever.

You’re a star to me now.

Light my path with your love.




© LeTara Moore, 2017

Sour Milk

It was so offensive it made her cry. She’d wondered if buttermilk could really go bad. Now she knew the answer for sure. Though some things were rotted and fermented to desired states for consumption, there were some already sour that could spoil even more. So much for the buttermilk pound cake she planned.


(C) LeTara Moore 2016


Open Rack

The two young ladies browsed the store for what felt like forever in search of the perfect dresses. One of them was above average height and slim-framed. The other was shorter and thicker around the hips. The older blonde-haired woman who followed them made a poor attempt at being discreet. Still, she kept an eye on the young ladies dressed in hooded sweatshirts with college insignia and blue jeans. The November chill was unforgiving and even the sweatshirts did little to block the wind. Still, the pair were proud to display their school’s mascot on their clothing.Read More »

Not So Obvious

In experimenting with various styles of writing and reading more of other writers’ work, I’m learning my strengths and weaknesses. Though I’m unofficially announcing at this moment I’m working on a novel, short fiction and poetry are what I’m best at. I like for my words to pack a punch, so I attempt to create a long message in as few words as possible. I dabble in six word stories and I’m always up for a good haiku. Here’s my first attempt at five sentence fiction:Read More »


From the book Sunlight, Coffee and Roses

It was calling my name. So I got it. Bite after bite I just couldn’t get enough. It took me to a place of euphoria. A high which cannot be described for there was nothing to compare to. That kind of feel good that melts in your mouth but not in your hands. That kind of feel good that leaves you feeling guilty. That kind of feel good that you must sweat out to rid from your body the remnants of its essence. It consumed me as much as I consumed it. Without it I experienced withdrawals. I was addicted. It had taken over my life. It was my best friend and my worst enemy. It had to be off limits to me because he it wasn’t mine to consume. He It was not a part of my budget/caloric intake. He It was so good to me…but not good for me. But here I am with it instead of him. Spoonful after spoonful. Trying to satisfy a hunger with something not suited to satisfy it. Close, but not quite.


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Choice Words


“You shouldn’t say things like that,” my mother warned me a few days ago.

“Mom, I’m just telling the truth. To quote Prince, I hate him like a day without sunshine,” I replied. The “him” I was referring to was my insensitive, egotistical boss. Fortunately, tax season would be over soon and I’d be able to return to my regularly scheduled programming called life. This should have been the year I found my own clients and worked from home, but I opted for what I thought would be the safer route; working in this office just one more season to guarantee my income. However, that’s become an issue. Every season is the last season. The business cards have been designed and collecting digital dust for the past two years. The only thing left to do to them is print them. Word had spread about my skills as a tax preparer. I’m not just a basic tax preparer, no sir. I surpassed the basic income tax course and decided to pick up IRS publications for casual reading. I do have more interesting things to do with my time, such as volunteering and tutor students in foreign languages, but nothing keeps the mind stimulated quite like tax code.

“Kerri, I have always told you that the power of life and death is in the tongue. Watch what you say.”Read More »

Enjoy the View

From the book Sunlight, Coffee and Roses:

In and out. Inhale. Exhale. She stopped and opened her eyes. She had pushed herself to her physical limits by running as fast and for as long as she could until her body would no longer allow her to move. It started as a simple power walk around the neighborhood and progressed into a jog. Before she knew it, she was lying in grass in a park on the other side of town. There was something liberating about her daily walks. Some days she felt the urge to take off running. On this day she did. Her feet hurt. Her thighs tingled. Her heart pounded so hard in her chest she thought it would burst. It felt like her breath would never be restored. So she lay there. Staring up at the sky. Appearing to passersby as someone simply admiring the clouds on a partly sunny day. In reality, she knew she had done exactly what she should not have: moved too fast. As her senses calmed, she learned that if she knew nothing else, she knew her limits. Always being one to rush into things, she jumped headfirst into jobs, relationships and broken promises. Still, lessons went unlearned. Patience is a virtue, or so she had heard. Stop and smell the roses. Enjoy the view. She had ran so fast and so hard beyond what she was capable of doing. Not only testing the waters, but drowning in them. Now she had no choice but to enjoy the view.
