May Book Club Pick: Year of Yes by Shonda Rhimes

I’m in the process of building up my book club. It isn’t a very quick venture, but it is something I care about. I’ve created a page for my club on Goodreads,, and Fable. Next, I am going to design a flyer and post it at a couple of libraries and the community board at a small bookstore close by. I’m acting on what has been placed in my spirit. Even if my book club does not grow to hundreds or thousands of members, I feel like I’d be disobedient if I didn’t at least give it a try.

That leads me to the choice of book for this month: Year of Yes by Shonda Rhimes (affiliate link). This book is a memoir that is meant to be inspirational. I’m in the mood to be inspired.

You can stop reading here, if you’d like and follow along with Ebony Page Turners on the pages I listed above. If you’re interested in why I chose this book, keep reading.

Why I Chose This Book

This isn’t the first time I’ve tried to create a group. In the past, I had an online fitness group that I was attempting to grow. I was on a fitness journey, and I had attained a couple of certifications. I wasn’t trying to present myself as an expert; rather, I just wanted to bring a few people along. I attracted a few people, but actually getting them to participate is a whole other matter. The blog I created for it still exists. 

During my freshman year of college, I was president of the Spanish club. Most college-age kids in the small town I went to college were not interested in Spanish Club. 

From elementary school to high school, I attempted to put together productions. I’m a writer. I’ve been writing since childhood. I started out writing poetry and a few plays. I did successfully put on a play I wrote in the third grade. We performed for the kindergarten class. After that, though, it was a struggle. 

I attended an arts and science magnet high school. The magnet part is akin to a college major, in case you’re not familiar with what that is. The magnet is what your studies will focus on outside of the core of math, science, and history. I was on the arts side. Specifically, I did theatre. What does one do in theatre aside from acting? Write. 

During my senior year of high school, there was a requirement to do a senior project in order to successfully graduate. I chose to write a play. I don’t recall having any desire to act in it, but it ended up being necessary if I wanted to finish the project. I asked several classmates if they would participate. They agreed. Gradually, they all dropped out one by one until it was just me and my best friend at the time. What started as a cast of five ended as a cast of two.

I got great feedback on it. I wish I still had the video from that performance, but at the moment I have no idea where it might be. I don’t think I have my manuscript either, although if I search hard enough for it, it might be buried in the archives of my emails from 16 years ago. 

Maybe I’m not that likable. That’s possible. I’m not pushy and I don’t try to force anyone to do anything they don’t want to do. It’s why I’ve never been that great at sales and marketing, despite the fact that I could probably write a manual on sales tactics from what I’ve learned in my sales training from jobs I’ve had over the years and social psychology books I’ve read. I’m just not the type of person to want to make other people do things that they really don’t want to do.

I’ve been rereading The Alchemist very slowly over the past couple of months, at the urging of my Grandma. I’ve also picked up Tabitha Brown’s book, I Did a New Thing.  

I’ve been doing a lot of inner work the last few years, but especially so in the last several months. Four years ago, it was 2020 and I literally had to start my life again with almost nothing except my health and my daughter’s health. Very little money, no permanent home, barely a car, recently deceased mother, anti-depressant medication, and a whole lot of faith. Since that time, with some help from family, friends, and God, I was able to pick myself up and get going again. I posted a few times in 2020 about my adventure at the time as an over the road driver. I had a lot of time to be alone on those long drives. Left with my thoughts and grief. I saw places that I had never seen before and may never see again–literally and figuratively. I listened to a lot of audiobooks on all types of subjects. I did a lot of healing.

Eventually, I got my own home again and got into something of a routine. And at some point, I think I was a little stagnant in my growth. Then things started getting hard and I forgot everything that I had come through and survived. I forgot that I survived. That feeling of hopelessness started to come back. 

Things came to a head and some relationship dynamics changed. Finances changed drastically. Some days I didn’t want to live anymore. However, even on those days I said I was grateful, even if I didn’t mean it because I know my words have power. 

I started this book club only intending to read a book with my friend. She invited a friend of hers and I invited someone. What started as the two of us, ended up being four and then, very briefly, five. We met a few times and had some great laughs. Then it dropped to three of us and then back down to two because everybody has their own priorities and interests. That’s ok. 

At the beginning of this, I knew I wanted to do something great with this. I saw the potential for it. So I decided to create a name, Ebony Page Turners. I’ve been working on a logo. I created a club on the Fable app. I created a club on Goodreads. I’ve created a page on Will I be able to get people to stick around for any of these? Maybe. I’m going to keep working on it though. 

So, I’ve decided to share the inspiration by choosing a book that’s supposed to be about everything I just talked about. Maybe my saying yes to the things in my heart will inspire someone else to do something even greater that brings some sort of positivity.

Want to read it with me? Check out my book club at one of the links below.

Ebony Page Turners Book Club



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